The beaches are the main attraction at La Paz. These are the perfect places to enjoy the turquoise water of the Sea of Cortez. With thatched-roof “palapas”, restaurants, and equipment outfitters for different water sports, they are also ideal for swimming, sun-bathing and enjoying the scenery.
At several of the beaches, you can also rent a “panga” that will take you out to the island of Espíritu Santo and the sea lion colony.
Several of the most popular beaches are located just 15 minutes from the city, on the highway to Pichilingue.
These are Coromuel, Caimancito, El Tesoro y Pichilingue, the latter of which is also the site of the ferry terminal served by ferries coming from a variety of Mexican and foreign ports.
Puerto Balandra is famous for its enormous mushroom-shaped boulder, the symbol of La Paz. This salt-water lagoon actually consists of eight different bays with beautiful, quiet beaches; it is a popular area for kayaking, snorkeling and diving.
El Tecolote is one of the largest beaches in the region. It is located opposite Espíritu Santo Island and is a good place for taking part in different water sports. There are also several beach-side restaurants.
Twenty-seven miles south of La Paz is beautiful La Ventana Bay which has several different beaches that attract campers, windsurfers and people out to enjoy the scenery. The best view of Cerralvo Island is from El Sargento Beach.
Previously known as Los Muertos, the re-named Bahía de Los Sueños (Bay of Dreams) has a number of different beaches that attract Americans and Canadians who travel down in their RVs and spend the winter camping along these sheltered bays.
Author: M. A. Gallardo
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