Finding yourself lost in this beautiful city? Or on the other hand, looking for more information on what to do to get the most out of the city? Visit the Cabo San Lucas Tourism Board, also known as the Cabo San Lucas Tourism Center. Here you will find flyers, maps, and people that can help you with just any doubt you have about this gorgeous town.

Cabo Aerial

Here are a couple of locations you can visit:

Los Cabos Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

  • Phones: (624) 143-5531, 144-4730, 143-4342 or 143-4777
  • US Toll Free: 1-866 LOS CABOS (866) 567-2226
  • Toll-free number Mexico: 01 800 746 2226 
  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • Address: Carretera Transpeninsular km 4.3 
    Fracción I lote No. 5 Plaza Providencia, local 209 y 210 
    Col. El Tezal, Cabo San Lucas, México

Los Cabos Tourism Office (Secretaría Municipal de Turismo)

Author: M. A. Gallardo